Work needs some work


We all know it.

We don’t need to see the stats (engagement down, stress up) to know that work is kind of a mess right now. We feel it in our bones. And it’s painful to those of us who know that work doesn’t have to be a grind. It can be a source of meaning and joy in our lives.

So how do we desuckify it?

We attack the problem from all sides and get everyone involved. Culture. Leadership. Career. These are the cornerstones to work that works better for all of us.

Leaders drive culture. Culture drives employee engagement. Employee engagement drives profit.

It’s a simple equation that gets ignored by the majority of organizations (see stats above) and embraced by those who like having a strategic advantage.

Leadership Desuckification


Agency. Autonomy. Accountability. Amen.

Some are surprised to learn how many leaders suffer from imposter syndrome. But we’re surprised there are any who don’t, when you realize how few get any kind of formal training. Let’s change that, shall we?

Every leader brings something different to the table, but they’ll bring a lot more if they have these three things:

Leaders lead better when they know their actions will have an impact.

Leaders lead better when they can chart their own path.

Leaders lead better when they know what they are responsible for.

Tools like WHY.os, AgileBrain, and DISC can help bring all of this to life in a big way, giving our coaching sessions more focus, purpose and intensity. Imposter syndrome doesn’t stand a chance. Can we get an amen to that?

Culture is more than free snacks and Taco Tuesdays.

It’s the values you hold, the processes you put in place, the way you act under pressure. It’s who you are, every day. And should also be what your customers can expect from you, always.

Culture Desuckification


Less chaos. More collaboration.

A culture-led organization is a more resilient organization. There will be bad days, no doubt. But if your culture is strong, those days will become fuel for something better.

Why are you here?
Why does your organization exist? And why do the people on your team come to work each day, in support of that broader mission? Figuring this out is the first step towards building and maintaining a thriving culture.

What do you value?
Behind your WHY is a set of values that inspire the team, attract and retain clients and form the foundation of every decision you make as an organization.

Where are the gaps?
AgileBrain is a powerful assessment that uses image-based prompts to determine the emotional needs of an individual and/or team. The results can tell you where there may be stress(es) on your culture, currently. The team assessment provides an excellent high-level view of the culture while the individual results give you the insight to address the needs/aspirations of each team member.

Now, do.
All the values and purpose in the world won’t mean much if you don’t live up to them. We’ll talk through ways you can make that happen.

The rules have changed. Or disappeared altogether.

Remote work, fractional, flexible hours, entrepreneurship. It’s all on the table. And it can all get pretty confusing and overwhelming unless you’re a robotic freak with perfect mastery of your emotions. For the rest of us, coaching can be a huge help.

Career Desuckificaiton


It starts with ownership. And ends with ownership. There’s a lot of ownership in the middle too.

We’re not here to tell you what to do. Chances are, you’ve gotten plenty of that already. It’s your career—you’re in charge. Let’s work together to figure out what really makes you tick, so you can start doing a whole lot more of it.

There’s no magic formula here, but we do have some tools we love that can accelerate the dusucking process.

WHY.os - Remember when you were four years old and you asked “why” about everything you saw? Let’s tap into that energy again to figure out what truly motivates you.

AgileBrain - Let’s see what your current emotional state is. Which needs are being met in your career and which ones are keeping you from fully expressing yourself and being who you want to be?

Core Values - Who are you? And how can you continue to be that person at work (or anywhere, for that matter), all the time?

Write Your Future Obituary - Not sure what to do with your life? Try writing the words people will read after you’re gone. It’s a shockingly effective way to discover what really matters.

Mental Fitness - Knowing who we are is great. But actually living it can be the hard part. To keep you on track, we’ll discuss some ways to keep your mind in tip-top shape. You do want your brain to be ripped, don’t you?

“I’ve never been so focused. I finally understand my true purpose.”

His holiness The Dalai Lama - spiritual leader of the Tibetan people